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Success is a team sport. Since the spring of 2017, Repona is the proud sponsor of Elna Heimdal Nilsson – researcher in combustion physics and an elite-level Thai boxer. Elna, and those of us that wok at Repona, both have similar “super powers”, and we actually do think alike in many matters..

Elna Heimdal Nilsson
PhD in Chemistry, University Lecturer in Physics and
World champion in Thai boxning, 2014

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Elna Heimdal Nilsson

PhD i Kemi, verksam som Universitetslektor i Fysik
och Världsmästare i Thaiboxning (2014)

Nine films, nine themes

Focus, teamwork, willpower and drive. In a series of nine films, Elna talks about themes that are important for both her and us. These films are about our common way of looking at success, the world, and life in general.